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Thursday, 31 August 2017

How to attain Self Confidence???

Being confident is essential to achieve anything in life. But obtaining self-confidence is not an easy task. No matter what ever skills you have, you will be unknown to the public because of not having the self-confidence to perform. For example, a person sings very well, when he is alone but hesitates and can't perform very well when he is on a ceremony. This is because of the lack of self-confidence and also he belongs to a type of person who bothers on others opinion. To overcome this issue and attain self-confidence please follow the steps.

         The trust you have placed upon you itself is known as self-confidence. Therefore, always bear in mind that, "if you can't believe yourself, no one else is going to believe you". In fact, we can't achieve self-confidence by participating counselling classes or by attending any motivational class unless you commence to hard work. 

        People who are having self-confidence will be reached at high positions, it is quite natural. Confidence is not something which gets genetically but it can be attained only by continuous and persistent hard work. 

       Anyhow, following the steps given below will help to attain self-confidence.

  1) Increase the faculty to face problems

        Always remember the problems that occur in your life are an opportunity given by God to increase the self-confidence. You will become more confident while you oppose more problems. There may have occurred a huge difference in your confidence after dealing a problem that occurred in your life. That is the speciality of problems. So don't try to flee from any issues instead pray to God for making you more confident rather thinking about committing suicide. So be aware of the merits of being trouble. We must develop a talent to realize the problems are opportunities for increasing confidence. Let us take look into people having more confidence. They must have faced many problems in different aspects. As a result, they have gained self-confidence. 

2) Overcome weaknesses

        This is also one of the difficult tasks for increasing confidence. Overcoming weaknesses also help you to increase self-confidence. In other words, if you could prevent any of your habits which consequence badly to you. For example, if you have a bad habit of rumouring, just control yourself and not to do it, it would be a somewhat difficult thing for a rumouring person because he has habituated it. In each day or week gradually stay apart from a bad habit and increase the self-confidence

3) Focus on your strength

          Find out what is your strength concerned with and focus on it. Everyone has their own strength and we are supposed to find it. After finding your strength, focus on it and stimulate it. This is also one of the best ways to develop confidence. We know that while extracting Gold from the Iode or placer deposits, only the minor part Gold is focused but not the wastes which is found mostly. Similarly, we have to focus on the Gold in our life and eliminate the wastes. 

4) Note your positives

          Along with a lot of negatives, we may have positives too. We have to note every positive point that is said by people to us. Don't note the negatives. After that read your positive points in every day or week. This will help us to realize our positives and that will lead for increasing self-confidence. 

5) Develop new skills

 Each year achieve a new skill. For example, a person who doesn't know driving must study driving this year or a person who doesn't know type rating must learn it or a person who doesn't know to preach must learn to preach. Acquiring skills naturally help to increase self-confidence. This is the last but not the least way to increase the self-confidence.

       The most important thing is to believe yourself and realize if you can't believe yourself, no one else is gonna believe you.

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