People who have been using WhatsApp for years might ever have thought of recalling WhatsApp messages once it is being sent. It has been a while since WhatsApp started to claim that they will launch the message recalling option very shortly. But yet they have not. As we know the proverb that the word, once it is spoken and the stone, once it is thrown, cannot be taken back. Eventually, by the arrival of social media, a new term has also come to this proverb. ie, The messages, once it is sent, cannot be taken back too. Therefore today I am representing the latest version of GB WhatsApp which proves the last saying of the proverb said above is absolutely false. This version of WhatsApp will let you recall all types of files once it is sent. No matter whether it is text messages or videos or images. It recalls everything. We all have pursued this amazing option before for several times in Google. But there were no any official ways to take back or recall send files on WhatsApp.
Everyone of us might have ever sent WhatsApp messages accidentally to the wrong person. This version will help you to recall sent WhatsApp messages and files.
Let's see how it works;
> Download and Install this WhatsApp version from the link provided below.
> After that login with your mobile number.
>Now send a personal message or group message.
>Long press the message you want to recall.
> Click on the three-dot which you can see on the top right part of the screen.
>Click on recall
>Confirm recall.
Click here to download
Everyone of us might have ever sent WhatsApp messages accidentally to the wrong person. This version will help you to recall sent WhatsApp messages and files.
Let's see how it works;
> Download and Install this WhatsApp version from the link provided below.
> After that login with your mobile number.
>Now send a personal message or group message.
>Long press the message you want to recall.
> Click on the three-dot which you can see on the top right part of the screen.
>Click on recall
>Confirm recall.
Click here to download