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Thursday, 27 July 2017

How To Overcome Failure???

Is failure something which may occur as a result of inability or lack of taking effort??? Of course No.... What is failure??? Failure occurs when a person could not reach or achieve his/her target. According to the human beings failures are very common. The fact is, people who have not experienced failure have not tried anything. Failures are experiences which motivate you to try thoroughly on next time. 

          In order to achieve, we have to be self-confident enough. People who are regretting or being upset for the account of previous failure for whole time will never achieve anything. Instead, they have to hard work to do better next time. The most irritating thing faced by a failed person is mockeries from the public. Therefore, the most difficult task according to a failed person is to overcome all types of mockeries and criticism from others. You will never survive the failure until you could never mind what public says about you. 

        Just stop bothering on thinking about the past. Just think about, What is next and What you can do next. We have to be positive enough to over come the failure. All the failures and the pasts are experiences and moral. 

             There had a plenty of experiments done by the great scientist Thomas Alva Edison behind the invention of the bulb. While coming to his history, we will understand that he was a failed one before. When he was studying in school he was considered as an insane by not anyone else but his own teacher. The teacher wrote a letter to Edison's mother by convincing the same matter. But the positive and courageous mother had not depressed and was not ready to admit what teacher told about her beloved son. Instead, she told her son that, 'Son!!! the present school you are studying doesn't provide enough facilities and education that an intelligent student like you really needs'. She laid to him for his sake. In my personal opinion, I would say the whole credit behind all achievements of  Thomas Edison goes to his mother. 

    This is one of the best moral stories which indicates that you don't deserve to regret for failing very less number of times. 

   In brief, to overcome failures and disgrace you have to be self-confident and of course, hard work is a must.  If you bother about what people say and thinks about you, it is equivalent that, you are their slaves and you are living for them and ultimately, you will become a waste, how no one needs you. So just don't care what people say and think about you. 

History; an art of impeccable deception.

Almost people love history. Because they are the stories of the past. But it's always annoying that how much current history is factual....