Human beings those who are having breath and consciousness in them will have tensions. But it has certain limits and it should end up in that fixed point.
Many had complained that they are being tensed even for every silly reason. If a person faces tension for silly matters that is just because of his thoughts. He thinks that he is facing the most difficult problem in the world. This selfish ideology is one of the major reasons for being tensed. Those people may even think about of committing suicide for this silly reason. Instead of this selfish ideology, we must admit that there had occurred bigger problems before than this and we had survived everything and also we must ready to encounter the problems and crisis that are awaiting us for the next days.
So, in order to irradicate unwanted tensions, we have to stay strong enough and be conscious how blessed we are by thinking about people who had slept the previous day like us but unfortunately, they could not wake up. While comparing to them, just realize that how lucky enough you are.... You are conscious about the things that are happening around you..... You are able to take decisions and also you are intelligent enough to realize that being depressed won't solve your problem except spoiling your life.
We don't let any negative thoughts to enter our minds. We have a good body, good family and good relation ships are some of the blessings we have to understand. Just think about people who are facing bigger problems than ours, and think how blessed you are.... Many are there who don't have anything to eat and wear, many are there physically disabled and mentally challenged. So you don't deserve to be tensed.
Once upon a time, an emperor prescribed his warrior to write something which makes happy during sadness and which makes sad during happy. After thinking for a while, he wrote: " This moment also pass by". Which means every emotion will change according to period. In other words, when we are sad that will end which makes happy and when we are sad and that too will after some moments which makes us happy. Therefore, as a human-being, we are obliged to encounter all the problems that come with the very positive mind instead of depressing. Because if today comes with happiness then tomorrow may come with a problem. In brief, A positive mind is essential to stay away from tensions.
So, in order to irradicate unwanted tensions, we have to stay strong enough and be conscious how blessed we are by thinking about people who had slept the previous day like us but unfortunately, they could not wake up. While comparing to them, just realize that how lucky enough you are.... You are conscious about the things that are happening around you..... You are able to take decisions and also you are intelligent enough to realize that being depressed won't solve your problem except spoiling your life.
We don't let any negative thoughts to enter our minds. We have a good body, good family and good relation ships are some of the blessings we have to understand. Just think about people who are facing bigger problems than ours, and think how blessed you are.... Many are there who don't have anything to eat and wear, many are there physically disabled and mentally challenged. So you don't deserve to be tensed.
Once upon a time, an emperor prescribed his warrior to write something which makes happy during sadness and which makes sad during happy. After thinking for a while, he wrote: " This moment also pass by". Which means every emotion will change according to period. In other words, when we are sad that will end which makes happy and when we are sad and that too will after some moments which makes us happy. Therefore, as a human-being, we are obliged to encounter all the problems that come with the very positive mind instead of depressing. Because if today comes with happiness then tomorrow may come with a problem. In brief, A positive mind is essential to stay away from tensions.